
Welcome to Vermont CoCoRaHS!
Help us measure precipitation from Lake Champlain to the Connecticut River and from Quebec to Massachusetts as we learn about this wonderful resource that falls from the sky. To join CoCoRaHS in Vermont click here: Join CoCoRaHS Training Sessions
None scheduled at this time. Equipment Plans
Measuring Tube Support Homemade Snow Tube for snow cores - use 4" PVC to match diameter of rain gage Who can join
We welcome all weather enthusiasts across Vermont to join the CoCoRaHS network. The distribution of precipitation in the state is widely varied due to the terrain. The terrain also limits the effectiveness of weather radar and radar-based precipitation estimates, thus, we have a strong reliance on precipitation reports from observers. Your data can help improve forecasts and warnings! It could even save lives.
Consistent observations are also important. If you decide to join, please make every effort to report each day. Even if you received no precipitation, we want to know. Sometimes reports of zero precipitation are as important as when precipitation occurs.  What Do I Need
Each observer will need:
- Enthusiasm and desire to watch the weather.
- Willingness and dedication to take regular daily precipitation measurements, preferably between 6-9 AM.
- To participate in an online or group training session.
- A manual 4-inch rain gauge, available at reasonable cost through a preferred online CoCoRaHS vendor. An extra outer cylinder is helpful in winter.
- Computer with internet access.
- Snow board or flat non-grassy surface in an open area.
- Yard stick or ruler.
Optional Equipment:
For those really ambitious observers, you may want to take readings of the amount of water in the snow on the ground. This information is very helpful to the NWS to help assess the spring flood potential outlook.
To take these kind of measurements, you'll need something called a snow tube. A snow tube is inserted into the snow pack down to the ground, then the contents are melted and measured. Instructions to make a simple but accurate snow tube are located here. Note that the instructions specify 3" PVC, but in order to be compatible with your rain gage, 4" PVC should be used. I Want To Join....Now What Do I Do
Contact a regional coordinator, or select the application link and enter your information about your location and your contact preferences. You will receive a welcome e-mail with your new CoCoRaHS ID and instructions. As soon as you have a username, password and a rain gauge, you many enter observations immediately!
How to Join Training Sessions
Training is required for all observers. Initially, the best method for training will be to look through the online training presentations, and videos. We will occasionally have face to face group training sessions in your area, and these will be listed at the top of the page. Vermont CoCoRaHS Partners