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Daily Precipitation Report  
Station Number: MN-HN-78
Station Name: Richfield 1.9 WNW
Observation Date 5/17/2022 4:30 AM
Submitted 5/17/2022 4:17 AM
Gauge Catch
0.00 in.
Moderate, seasonal day but the ET is still going gangbusters!! Had the biggest day ever at this location on Sat (recorded Sun) as the trees budded, the grass sprung up an inch, the weeds tripled in size (dammit) and the tulips had 22 blossoms (only buds the day before, with 3 white blossom scouts reporting back to HQ). Right now we have all of the plants (grasses, weeds, trees, and flowers (daffodils, snow drops, etc)) that normally become active end of March; all of the grasses (still the resident; no decorative are native so they don't appear before May, earliest), trees, and flowers from bulbs (tulips, the greens of day lilies, damned lilies of the valley); and all May plants - all varieties, species-- all are budding, blossoming, and coming out at the same bloody time. And WE ARE SETTING RECORDS FOR POLLEN IN THE AIR LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE!!!!
Snow Information
24-hr Snowfall 0.0 in.
24-hr Snowfall SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
0.00 in.
24-hr Snowfall SLR
(Snow to Liquid Ratio)
Snowpack Depth 0.0 in.
Snowpack SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
0.00 in.
Snowpack Density NA
Duration Information
Precipitation Began --
Precipitation Ended --
Heavy Precip Began --
Heavy Precip Lasted --
Duration Time Accuracy --
Additional Information
Flooding --
Additional Data Recorded No