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Daily Precipitation Report  
Station Number: VA-PRC-2
Station Name: Portsmouth 4.1 SSE
Observation Date 5/26/2017 7:00 AM
Submitted 5/26/2017 8:15 AM
Gauge Catch
0.05 in.
West Cradock Past 24-hours (7AM-7AM EDT): skies clear to become partly cloudy as warm breezes move NE ahead of spiraling fronts ahead of low over OH Valley, scouring out the low level, moist air mass with cooler temps dominant of the last 5 days; spiraling lines of energy ahead of the low to the WNW bring lines of SHRA and TSRA to Virginia with 0.05" here from TSRA in mid-afternoon; skies clear out to mostly fair in the late evening and overnite | winds: CALM early, then mostly SSW with gust to WNW 38mph with TSRA at 5:24PM EDT - the gust to 38mph established a NEW STATION MAX WIND GUST RECORD for the date, surpassing the 30mph gust in 2013 [May database to 1977] | temperature range: 69-81-60° - average temperature this period was NORMAL | rainfall: period 0.05" Event 2.15" May 7.48" (+3.92" or 210% of normal) annual: 22.70" (+4.69" or 126% of normal) |
Snow Information
24-hr Snowfall 0.0 in.
24-hr Snowfall SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
24-hr Snowfall SLR
(Snow to Liquid Ratio)
Snowpack Depth 0.0 in.
Snowpack SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
Snowpack Density NA
Duration Information
Precipitation Began 1730
Precipitation Ended 1755
Heavy Precip Began (0.05") 1730
Heavy Precip Lasted 25 Minutes
Duration Time Accuracy Very Accurate
Additional Information
Flooding No
Additional Data Recorded Yes