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Daily Precipitation Report  
Station Number: VA-HR-6
Station Name: Glen Allen 4.6 W
Observation Date 7/10/2020 7:00 AM
Submitted 7/10/2020 7:01 AM
Gauge Catch
0.00 in.
7/10/20 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky. Springfield Park has a very heavy morning dew with little humid temperatures and light breeze from the north-northwest. Springfield Park has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation. The July precipitation departure is now + 1.53 inches. Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.5 degs.F at 6:08 AM. The daily mean temperature departure is +1.0 degs.F for July compared to the average. HIGH temperature 76.6 degs.F at 0:00 hours LOW temperature 72.5 degs.F at 6:08 hours The current temp. 73.6 degs.F at 6:54 hours The current range 4.1 degs.F at 6:54 hours Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 345 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mp
Snow Information
24-hr Snowfall 0.0 in.
24-hr Snowfall SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
24-hr Snowfall SLR
(Snow to Liquid Ratio)
Snowpack Depth NA
Snowpack SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
Snowpack Density NA
Duration Information
Precipitation Began --
Precipitation Ended --
Heavy Precip Began --
Heavy Precip Lasted --
Duration Time Accuracy --
Additional Information
Flooding --
Additional Data Recorded No