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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: NC-WK-185
Station Name: Morrisville 1.5 SSW
Report Date: 6/12/2021
Submitted: 6/12/2021 7:12 AM
Scale Bar: Mildly Wet
Impacts this week include ongoing monitoring of indoor moisture to assess & curtail micro-organisms as recommended (indoor humidity this morning was 55% less than outdoors; refrigerator was 30% lower than indoors; floor level was 1% different than 5 feet above floor) Changes in plants and animals include a few mushrooms & mosquitoes appearing and some squirrels observed laying still with bodies flattened and outstretched paws on shaded concrete during the extreme heat. Moisture trapped inside removable bike lights was evaporated by storing them overnight in a dessicant container. Shallow creek water temperature was the same as air temperature today.  
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health