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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: NC-WK-6
Station Name: Holly Springs 1.1 ESE
Report Date: 3/6/2021
Submitted: 3/06/2021 9:21 PM
Scale Bar: Near Normal
We are beginning to dry out following several reports of Mildly Wet conditions. Soils have firmed up and it is now safe to walk across the yard with no fear of  getting mud on our shoes. We are seeing additional leaf buds on the trees accompanied by a profusion of spring flowers. The stream is flowing with clear water and the pond is full. There are some algae blooms on the pond and a few in the stream but the bottom remains clearly visible. We are seeing a great blue heron, ducks and geese on the pond each day. The smaller birds continue to flock to the bird feeders and we are seeing several blue birds at one time in the yard. The white tail deer continue to leave hoof prints in the backyard on their daily excursions. 
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality