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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: NC-CS-1
Station Name: Hyco
Report Date: 12/16/2018
Submitted: 12/16/2018 11:19 AM
Scale Bar: Severely Wet
What a week - 11.5" snow followed by over an inch of rain. The ground is saturated. The last of the snow melted overnight. At 411.53' the lake rose almost an inch in one day. The wet ground is effecting businesses other than farming - a friend who is a land clearing contractor said he is unable to work. As he said gas costs are down but fixed costs - salaries, insurance, etc - stay the same and he is not making money with crews idle. There is standing water on the ground in addition to the ditches. Birds, especially woodpeckers, have been very active. The sun is shining today.
Categories: General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality