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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: NC-DH-48
Station Name: Durham 4.5 N
Report Date: 4/24/2017
Submitted: 4/24/2017 7:54 AM
Scale Bar: Mildly Wet
We have had 1.41 inches of rain this past week.  The low wet spot is covered with water.  The rain is knocking off the last of the Spirea blooms.  None of the remaining blooms appear spent.  The Carpenter Bee traps have taken their toll and only one appears to hover around our front porch.  The last trees to leaf out have leafed out but the leaves are not fully extended.  My son reports that his customers are reporting some Hummingbird sightings in the area.  We have not seen any Juncos this week and with last week's lack of sightings, we can say that they are gone.  It's an old adage that Juncos leave well before the Hummingbirds arrive.  This seems to be holding true.  I'm not seeing a yellow green layer of washed off pollen over any of the accumulating puddles of water. 