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Daily Precipitation Report  
Station Number: VA-PW-13
Station Name: Manassas 5.3 SE
Observation Date 2/27/2015 6:00 AM
Submitted 2/27/2015 6:00 AM
Gauge Catch
0.06 in.
The 0600 hour weather station conditions: Outside air temperature 29.79°F, dew point 25.6°F, windchill 25.88°F, humidity 84%, pressure 30.267 inches Hg and rising since midnight, cloudy skies, wind N@3.7G4.8 mph, soil temps at 3/5/8/16 inch levels 32/32/33/34°F; calculated sunrise 6:46:53 EST at station location, daylight duration 11 hrs 15 mins. Past 24 hours: Lowest temperature 28.71°F Thursday at 0623 hours; lowest windchill observed 21.52°F; highest temperature 36.90°F Thursday at 1536 hours; highest wind speed observed W@19.2 mph Thursday at 1407 hours; evapotranspiration (ET) 0.03 inch; precipitation periods: snow continued falling through the 0600 hour CoCoRaHS report and tapered off to mere flurries in intensity by 0625 hours, snowfall largely stopped altogether by 0825 hours; new snowfall after yesterday’s 0600 hour report 0.8 inch; total 24-hour precipitation 0.06 inch. Month-to-date cumulative totals: Precipitation 1.59 inch; ET 1.09 inch; Snow 10.4 inches. Station data reported by: observer8 (ampersat) at 0600 hours EST. FoxMill Weather Station. Friday, 27 February 2015.
Snow Information
24-hr Snowfall 0.8 in.
24-hr Snowfall SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
0.06 in.
24-hr Snowfall SLR
(Snow to Liquid Ratio)
13.3 : 1
Snowpack Depth NA
Snowpack SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
Snowpack Density NA
Duration Information
Precipitation Began 0600 AM
Precipitation Ended 0825 AM
Heavy Precip Began 0530 AM
Heavy Precip Lasted 35 Minutes
Duration Time Accuracy Very Accurate
Additional Information
Flooding No
Additional Data Recorded Yes