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Daily Precipitation Report  
Station Number: VA-PW-13
Station Name: Manassas 5.3 SE
Observation Date 9/1/2014 6:00 AM
Submitted 9/01/2014 6:00 AM
Gauge Catch
1.25 in.
“It's been almost nine years since the last major hurricane struck the US Mainland. That's 3,230 days. Remember, we are talking MAJOR hurricanes, of Category 3 strength or higher. The last major hurricane was Hurricane Wilma which hit Florida on October 24, 2005. This is unprecedented in the hurricane record since 1900. It’s a full 2 ½ years ahead of the second-longest US hurricane drought ever recorded” ( Odd the full article didn’t mention the late-August 2005 Hurricane Katrina which resulted in 1,833 Gulf Coast fatalities! Temp 73°F, dewpoint 72°F, humidity 98%, barometer 30.02 inches Hg and falling slightly since midnight, overcast skies, wind S@2-4 mph, soil temps at 3/5/8/16 inch levels 74/74/74/73°F, calculated sunrise 6:40:51 EDT at station location, daylight duration 13 hrs 1 min. EvapoTranspiration on Sunday (8/31) 0.14 inch. August month-to-date EVo total 3.62 inches. August month-to-date rainfall total 6.71 inches. Rainfall for the past 24 hour period commenced on Sunday (8/31) at 1906 hrs and continued until 2146 hrs as two rain-producing cells moved through the station area (1906 - 2013 hrs, 0.72 inch and 2114 - 2146 hrs, 0.53 inch) accompanied by gusty winds and a small amount of hail at 1915 - 1923 hrs, max size recorded ? inch. Moderate intensity lightning observed in the station vicinity but no cloud-to-ground discharges. Total rainfall 1.25 inch, max rainfall intensity 10.29 inches/hour at 1911 hrs for 2 minutes; max wind recorded WSW@24 mph at 1911 hrs; the first cell passed abeam the station at 1917 hrs and the winds abruptly shifted to a southeasterly direction. Winds associated with the second cell were significantly lower; lessor amount of rain as well. An additional Trace amount (< 0.01 inch) of rain fell after midnight at 0039 hrs. Past 24-hour low temp 71.7°F; high temp 91.5°; max heat index observed 105.0°F. Data reported by observer3 (ampersat), 0600 EDT. FoxMill Weather Station. Monday, 9/1/14.
Snow Information
24-hr Snowfall NA
24-hr Snowfall SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
24-hr Snowfall SLR
(Snow to Liquid Ratio)
Snowpack Depth NA
Snowpack SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
Snowpack Density NA
Duration Information
Precipitation Began 7:06 PM
Precipitation Ended 9:46 PM
Heavy Precip Began 7:11 PM
Heavy Precip Lasted 2 Minutes
Duration Time Accuracy Very Accurate
Additional Information
Flooding No
Additional Data Recorded Yes