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Daily Precipitation Report  
Station Number: VA-HR-6
Station Name: Glen Allen 4.6 W
Observation Date 2/14/2016 7:15 AM
Submitted 2/14/2016 7:16 AM
Gauge Catch
0.00 in.
2/14/16 at 7:08 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky. Glen Allen has calm and dry conditions. Extremely Cold. temperatures are occurring and light air from the north. It is much cooler by -13.2°F than yesterday at 7:08am. The minimum temperature last night was 8.2°F the lowest minimum temperature since February 20, 2015 when the minimum temperature was -1.2°F. There is a great increase of 34% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:08. VERY cold night as the low temperature last night was a frigid 8.2°F at 6:52 . HIGH temperature 13.0°F at 0:00 hours LOW temperature 8.2°F at 6:52 hours The current temp. 8.5°F at 7:08 hours The current range 4.8°F at 7:08 hours Today's barometer was the highest for Feb. at 30.58 inches occurring at 6:50 hrs. Today's 8.2°F was the lowest min. temperature for the year. The dew point is now 0.4°F and today's min. dew point was -3.3°F at 1:04 hrs. - area deep into a arctic air mass. The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 4:57 hours.
Snow Information
24-hr Snowfall 0.0 in.
24-hr Snowfall SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
24-hr Snowfall SLR
(Snow to Liquid Ratio)
Snowpack Depth 0.0 in.
Snowpack SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
Snowpack Density NA
Duration Information
Precipitation Began --
Precipitation Ended --
Heavy Precip Began --
Heavy Precip Lasted --
Duration Time Accuracy --
Additional Information
Flooding --
Additional Data Recorded No