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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: OH-FR-111
Station Name: Grove City 1.9 SSE
Observation Date: 7/6/2022 6:34 AM
Submitted 7/06/2022 6:46 AM
Notes: Have never had this much rain in my gauge. Emptied it at around 6:30 pm last night, had 1.32”. Emptied it again at 6:34 am and there was 3.47” for a total of 4.79”. Had 5 alerts yesterday and through the night from my Ambient weather station of rain >1”/hr. Back yard has some standing water, streets look clear, but I’ve not been out on the roads yet.
Precip Duration Minutes: 1440
Gauge Catch: 3.47 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 4.79 in.
Snowfall: NA
Snowpack Depth: NA
Flooding: Minor