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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: OR-MN-16
Station Name: Stayton 6 ENE
Observation Date: 9/18/2020 2:35 AM
Submitted 9/18/2020 2:59 AM
Notes: Very strong thunderstorm. From 1:30am to 2am all lightning and no rain. Heavy rain started at 2am and hail started about 5 minutes later lasting for about one half hour with 5/8" to 3/4" hail totaling about 2" on the ground. Trees and plants had most of their leaves stripped off. The storm has moved to the north, very fast and the rain has stopped at 2:50am.
Precip Duration Minutes: 90
Gauge Catch: 1.52 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 1.52 in.
Snowfall: NA
Snowpack Depth: NA