WxTalk Webinar #11


Webinar #11 - Thursday, October 18, 2012

When Howling Wolves Greet the Northern Lights

Jan Curtis - USDA/NRCS, Portland, Oregon


This webinar will provide an overview of the northern lights (aurora borealis).  You will learn:  Where do they come from?  Where can they be seen?  Can they be predicted?  How high are they?  Can you hear them?  What is the most common color?  Aurora come in various forms and their evolution follow a typical pattern.  Examples of the best northern lights will be shown (taken by Jan over an eight year period from Fairbanks, Alaska).

View the Webinar by clicking here: http://youtu.be/sHoFMbHkXLM


Slide Shows:  (my complete weather, astronomy and aurora collection)
http://vimeo.com/30412994 - Sequence
http://vimeo.com/30412341 - Rays
http://vimeo.com/29356071 - Curtains
http://vimeo.com/28250414 - Energetic
http://vimeo.com/28088983 - Favorites
http://vimeo.com/27798628 - General