Webinar #1 - December 20, 2011
Snow, love it , hate it . . . it still falls on us all!
Nolan Doesken - Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

David Robinson - Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

"Many people love snow. Others hate it. David Robinson (Rutgers University) and Nolan Doesken (Colorado State University) have each been fascinated with snow for their entire lives and will share some of their knowledge and experiences with the CoCoRaHS community. Topics that will be covered include 1) snowfall patterns across the US, 2) snowcover over the Northern Hemisphere, 3) Seasonal snowfall patterns 4) major snowstorms 5) the density of fresh snow and how/why it varies so much, and 6) trends in snowfall over the past century. Finally, both speakers will address why CoCoRaHS snowfall observations are so useful and important."