COCORAHS and WEATHERWISE MAGAZINE “Some people are weatherwise, but most are otherwise” Ben Franklin
Weatherwise Magazine is an exciting bi-monthly magazine that provides the weather enthusiast with fascinating articles regarding all aspects of weather and climate. With its full endorsement, CoCoRaHS regards this magazine as one "which everyone interested in weather would benefit from having on their coffee table". Visit the weatherwise website
CoCoRaHS Articles in Weatherwise Magazine
 View the "A Day in the Life of the CoCoRaHS Network" article by Henry Reges and Nolan Doesken which appeared in the July/August 2020 issue.

View the "Value of the Citizen Weather Observer" article by Nolan Doesken and Henry Reges which appeared in the Nov/December 2010 issue.  View the Deep Hail by Nolan Doesken and Tom Schlatter which appeared in the Sept/October 2010 issue.
View the CoCoRaHS "Let it Rain"article by Nolan Doesken which appeared in the July/August 2007 issue.
Subscription Information
Discounted Subscription price to Weatherwise Magazine
CoCoRaHS observers are entitled to a special subscription price of 27% off the normal subscription price of the magazine. For more info click here.

Annual Weatherwise Photo Contest
Weatherwise 2021 Photo Contest
Each year Weatherwise runs its annual photo contest. This event provides an opportunity for you to share your potential prize winning photos with a nationwide audience. The 2021 contest deadline is June 1, 2021. More information to follow in the spring of 2021.