| Pennsylvania State Coordinator
Kyle Imhoff Penn State University Department of Meteorology 503 Walker Building University Park, PA 16802 814-863-1842 kai5024@psu.edu
If you are interested in becoming a county coordinator in Pennsylvania, please contact Kyle Imhoff.
Northeast Pennsylvania Region
Regional Coordinator Jim Brewster National Weather Service Binghamton Weather Forecast Office 32 Dawes Drive Johnson City, NY 13790 607-770-9531 james.brewster@noaa.gov
(including Lackawanna, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Pike, and Wyoming) Bradford County
Carbon County Bob Jonas -WX2I (WX2 eye) email: wxviewer@outlook.com
Luzerne County Garrett Hittle email: Garrett.Hittle@luzernecounty.org
Monroe County Bob Jonas -WX2I (WX2 eye) email: wxviewer@outlook.com
Susquehana County Dan Castiglione Montrose, PA Phone: 570-278-0266; cell: 570-396-0660 email: dcastiglione111@gmail.com
Wayne County
Western Pennsylvania Region
Regional Coordinator John Darnley Weather Forecast Office Pittsburgh 192 Shafer Road Moon Township, PA 15108 (412) 262-1591 john.darnley@noaa.gov
Armstrong County Steve Fazekas magyaradio@gmail.com 724 -316 - 6894 Allegheny County Jason Shafer jason@disastertech.com Butler County Steve Fazekas magyaradio@gmail.com 724 -316 - 6894
Crawford County Ethan Davis
Fayette County Edward Misiewicz (724) 989 - 5214 misiewiczedward@yahoo.com
Venango County Aaron Bolinger a.bolinger@shermaninstitute.net
Westmoreland County John Micklow lo125w@yahoo.com
Warren County Darrell Weilacher evilzu7890@yahoo.com Washington County Dave Alexander dalex@atlanticbb.net
Southeast Pennsylvania Region
Regional Coordinator Alex Staarmann NWS Philadelphia/ Mt. Holly 732 Woodland Rd Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 690-261-6600 alex.staarmann@noaa.gov
Adams County Vy Trinh Adams County Conservation District 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Suite 201 Gettysburg, PA 17325 Phone # (717) 334-0636 x.3045 vtrinh@adamscountypa.gov
Berks County Jeffrey Stoudt Reading, PA Phone # (610) 777-0948 jeffreystoudt@comcast.net https://lpwbpa.com (Lincoln Park Weather Bureau website) Lancaster County Jeremy Klopp Lebanon, PA Phone: 717-273-0048 jkloppgolf@hotmail.com jeremyk@fsproduce.com Lebanon County Scott Dunn Fredericksburg, PA sedunn2004@aol.com sedunn2004@yahoo.com Randall Conger USGS New Cumberland, PA phone: 717-730-6947 rwconger@usgs.gov
Lehigh and Northampton Counties Justin Selig Phone: 610 434 1739 severeinstability@gmail.com http://www.severeinstability.com
Philadelphia Area Coordinator (Bucks, Delaware and Montgomery counties) Linda M. Antonacio-Hoade lhoade@verizon.net Chester County Maria Garvin mariabgarvin@gmail.com
York County Greg Stough No1GregStough@Gmail.com
Central Pennsylvania Region
Regional Coordinator Aaron Tyburski National Weather Service State College, PA 328 Innovation Blvd, Suite 330 State College, PA 16803 814-954-6386 aaron.tyburski@noaa.gov
Bedford County Rita Atwell-Holler ritaatwellholler@gmail.com
Blair County Sean Selinger selingersean2025@outlook.com Cambria County Nate Mullins mullinsna@yahoo.com
Dauphin County Jon Flatley jonflatley@yahoo.com
Somerset County Nate Mullins mullinsna@yahoo.com