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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: CO-BO-30
Station Name: Boulder 1.9 SE
Observation Date: 2/1/2015 12:10 AM
Submitted 2/01/2015 12:17 AM
Notes: Snow began shortly before 2130 MST 31 Jan 2015, became moderate by 2200 MST and has continued moderate thru obs time. 5.5" measured on lawn, falling at the rate of about 2 inches per hour. Location: 2 miles ESE of NOAA Labs and DSRC in SE Boulder.
Precip Duration Minutes: 180
Gauge Catch: 0.33 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 0.33 in.
Snowfall: 5.5 in.
Snowpack Depth: 5.5 in.