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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: CO-LR-735
Station Name: Lyons 6.4 NW
Observation Date: 2/1/2015 12:51 AM
Submitted 2/01/2015 12:59 AM
Notes: (at 4:22pm there was a trace of snow following; nothing accumulated). At approximately 10pm there was 1/8 inch of snow covering ground; texture was more like grapel / mini-mini-hail. Then at 10:50pm, looked outside and there was 5" of snow!! I went out again at 12:50 am and there was another inch of snow. that is when I measured the content of the gauge. It was 35 degrees; very still.= At around 11pm when the first heavy snow fell could not see more than about 100 feet.= It is still snowing.
Precip Duration Minutes: 110
Gauge Catch: 0.00 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 0.00 in.
Snowfall: 6.0 in.
Snowpack Depth: 6.0 in.